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9 Beautiful Indoor Plants That Can’t Be Drowned

Newbie green thumber? These are some indoor plants that can’t be drowned! 

Plants are adorable, and for a lot of people, they’re sort of the “new pets.” Even social media is fully invaded by them, and it is a delight to scroll mindlessly through plant posts on Instagram. While some of them are basically princesses and it is a pain in the neck to keep them happy, others are so friendly that they will thrive in almost every environment without your fearing they will die or, worse, drown in case you pour too much water.

But enough with long and boring descriptions, let’s get to the gardening minute and begin the list of all the plants that can’t be drowned. Can you guess the number one?

plants that can't be drowned
Photo by DimaBerlin from Shutterstock

Chinese money plant

Are you into minimalistic Scandinavian decor? A Chinese money plant will fit in perfectly! Plus, this is one of the plants that can’t be drowned, and it’s super easy to take care of. While it enjoys light, place it somewhere with no direct sunlight; otherwise, its leaves will scorch. They tolerate cold conditions as well; that’s why, during the winter, the Chinese money plants will bloom small white blooms on pink stems.

Regarding the soil, the Chinese money plant loves well-drained soil, so use a pot with drainage holes. During the summer season, water it more often, especially if you live in a warmer area (e.g., Florida), and use an all-purpose fertilizer.

Nonetheless, the money plant is thirsty if its leaves are beginning to fall a bit. To maintain the proper form of your plant, it is important to rotate it regularly to avoid any imbalance. The bigger leaves will collect dust; therefore, frequent washings or showers are recommended.

Jade plant

Do you desire a plant that’s similar to Aloe Vera but not Aloe Vera specifically? We got you! Meet the jade plant! Cute, tiny, and very easy to take care of, it’s among the indoor plants that can’t be drowned.

Not only are they perfect for businesses and homes, but they are also lucky charms! Making sure jade plants are adequately hydrated is the most crucial part of their maintenance. However, even if the jade plant can’t be drowned, it’s advised not to water it excessively because its roots may rot. To avoid this, observe your plant’s soil and leaves. If they’re starting to fall and the soil feels dry when you touch it with your fingers, then you’ll know it’s water time!

Since they love sunlight, make sure you place them in a spot with full light to help them grow properly. Near the window is ideal.

Boston fern

The shamrock-green plant known as the Boston fern is a very elegant and nice plant to keep indoors. Since it’s one of the plants that can’t be drowned, Boston fern thrives in moist conditions that resemble their natural home on the forest floor.

Be careful, because if the room is too dry, the plant’s leaves will turn yellow. To prevent this, spritz the plant every day or keep the pot submerged in a small dish of water.

Air plant

Living up to its name, an air plant doesn’t need soil to grow. They became very popular in the past few years in terrariums. They are super easy to take care of; they don’t need a pot, but they need light, water, and the right temperature (59 degrees Fahrenheit and 86 degrees Fahrenheit).

However, if they like sunlight, your air plants love partial shade, so keep them away from direct sunlight. To help them grow healthy and happy, place them in a small jar with enough water to submerge the plant. And let them soak up all the water they need. After 30 minutes, leave them upside down on a cotton towel to absorb the moisture.

Asparagus fern

These pretty and fluffy plants are so adorable, tiny, and easy to take care of that you’ll love them from day one. But if you’re new to this field and you’ve never had one before, be mindful when you touch its leaves! Those soft and fuzzy spots are actually thorns that can sting very deeply.

To have a happy life, place your asparagus fern in a spot with both shade and sunlight. Mist it daily, especially during the winter, since these plants love humidity. Try to repot it every two or three years, and don’t forget about pruning too.

Oh, and I almost forgot that they also need a little fertilizer during the summer to help them grow healthy.

Are you looking for some affordable pots for plants with a saucer and a drainage hole, but everything is kind of pricey? We got you! This set of four 6-inch clay pots is a click away on Amazon, and it costs just $18.86. It’s quite a bargain since you’re going to use them for quite a while! 

plants that can't be drowned
Photo by Simol1407 from Shutterstock


One of the prettiest and easiest-to-take-care-of plants on the list is Philodendron. If you pay attention to it, you will notice that it is communicating with you in its language. Make sure to thoroughly wash the plant’s leaves with fresh, cold water to improve their ability to absorb sunlight. Position it next to a window where the sun’s rays never quite hit the leaf, as philodendrons need bright, indirect sunlight.

While the yellowing of the leaves on older leaves is typical, it might indicate that the plant is receiving too much light if many leaves exhibit this behavior at once. However, the plant isn’t getting enough light if it is growing tall and thin.

If you watered it more than usual, don’t worry; philodendrons recover very quickly.

Dragon tree

If you have a small and cramped space in your home and because of that you avoid adopting plants, maybe bringing a dragon tree into it will change your perspective. Furthermore, it’s also a fantastic choice for all those who are beginners in the field.

As with other plants on the list, the dragon tree likes sunlight, but to avoid damaging its leaves, place it somewhere with both shade and light. Because they thrive in humidity, you can easily put them in your bathroom or kitchen.

The ideal temperature range for your plants is 64.4 to 89.6 degrees Fahrenheit, so make sure they don’t get too cold in the winter—below 59 degrees Fahrenheit.


If you want to add a little something to your living room to change its focal point, adopt a Yucca plant. Being a plant for both indoor and outdoor environments, Yucca is drought-tolerant, easy to grow, and can grow with a bit of fertilizer and any type of soil. So don’t beat yourself up trying to find a fancy and expensive pot for it.

Just be careful, and if you’re not entirely sure, ask a specialist what yucca grows super tall, and if you don’t have much space, opt for a small one. Also, place it in a sunny or partly shaded spot because too much sun can turn the leaves yellow.

Baby’s tears

The plant known as Baby’s Tears is a creeping, brilliant green plant with small, teardrop-shaped leaves. Because they thrive in humid conditions and spread out their dense leaves across the earth, these plants are often used for terrariums. Baby’s tears are a great option for tiny hanging planters since the vines run down the edges of the container after they are planted. Keep the soil consistently wet, and don’t forget to clip back vines often.

Plant lover? You’re in the haven of plants here on Gardeners and Plants! And if you’re new here and enjoyed our article, please hit the subscribe button and let us deliver the best advice for both beginner and advanced green thumbers! Oh and before leaving, take a look at 8 Stunning Low-Maintenance Shrubs You Can Plant and Forget About


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