9. Viburnums
Viburnums will do well in shady spots. Remember that if you want an evergreen color you should opt for Viburnum davidii or Viburnum tinus. They can be found at J. Parker’s, Thompson&Morgan, Crocus, or Sarah Raven. Their little and brighter, white flowers will change how your garden looks by providing elegance and a little sophistication. Viburnums are also very easy to maintain and will make your neighbors jealous. They are the kind of plants that everyone thinks need a lot of attention, but in reality, you just have to make the bare minimum for them to look amazing.
10. Chaenomeles
Chaenomeles are really spectacular! Once you see the flowers, you immediately start to dream about colorful and breathtaking Japanese gardens. Isn’t that amazing that they are very happy to grow in the shade? It means that it wouldn’t be that hard to find a good spot for them. Besides their unique aspect, they also smell amazing. Trust us, you’ll start spending more time in your garden just to be around them. And that is not all! They aren’t fussy at all about soil types, including clay, and can be easily trained against a wall.