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7 Natural Ways to Keep Snakes Away From Your Yard

Photo by K Quinn Ferris on Shutterstock

Experiencing Some Annoying Snake Visits?

Not all snakes are dangerous but this doesn’t mean we should invite them into our homes, right? Even if some are harmless, most people do not feel comfortable seeing snakes crawling through their gardens and yards.

When you see a snake, your first thought might be to run away. Don’t worry, the snake might think the same! There are two main things that snakes look for when crossing your territory: food and shelter. They like to hide in the grass, especially overgrown one, in dense bushes, under piles of rocks, in compost and in humid areas such as near swimming pools or around leaky faucets.

The presence of certain types of snakes can be beneficial as they can help with keeping other pests, such as rodents or frogs, under control. They like to eat all sorts of critters, such as rodents, frogs, fish, snails and others insects.

However, if you feel like your yard has become a snake hub and what to curb their enthusiasm a little bit, there are simple ways to make sure snakes do not cross your yard’s boundaries.

Eliminate food sources

Snakes are constantly searching for food. Therefore, if they discover that our home can provide them with unlimited sources of food, then they’ll most likely visit you more than you want. The solution? Eliminate potential food sources so that snakes are not tempted to stop by your place. No food will make them continue their journey until they find something. The idea is to not find anything interesting in your yard.

Also, take care of other pest populations like rodents so that snakes are not attracted by their presence.

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Get rid of water

Snakes like humidity and moisture. This means that leaky faucets and hoses, swimming pools and the like are huge beacons for them. Make sure you do not have any standing water in your garden/yard, wherever possible. Pools, ponds and other water sources should be properly maintained and controlled.

Water your garden in the morning so that it has enough time to dry on its own. Watering the garden in the evening will not allow water to evaporate and the soil will remain wet. Which is exactly what snakes are looking for!

Eliminate potential hiding spots

Snakes are usually looking for specific hiding places to breed and sleep. Things such as coiled hoses or hose boxes can turn into perfect hiding spots. Also, rock piles can be preferred by snakes, so, if you already have such garden decorations, it might be better to get rid of them. Or at least check them regularly for sleeping snakes.

In addition, it is important to mow your grass and clear and trim the bushes so that they do not become snakes’ homes. You can also use snake-proof fencing. Experts recommend minimum 3 feet high and 4 feet deep steel mesh or plastic sheeting. Moreover, the fencing should be even with the ground and angled outwards.

Opt for snake-repelling plants

If you like plants, then you will love those that can keep snakes away from your garden. Plants such as marigolds, lemongrass, Mother-in-Law’s tongue, wormwood and even onion and garlic can have quite a repellant effect on these crawlers. So, if you want to make them avoid your yard, find strategic places where such plants can be incorporated into your landscape design.

Extra tip: just the sight of Mother in Law’s Tongue is enough to scare snakes away! Its leaves are also quite sharp and snakes, along with other pests, know this very well. Is the name a coincidence?

Check this out: Poisonous Plants That Pose a Threat to Your Home

Photo by Losonsky on Shutterstock

Fill in burrows

Snakes like dark places. Therefore, burrows and holes dug by gophers, moles and voles are quite attractive for snakes as they can provide both shelter and food. Getting rid of these pests is not the only answer as their construction will still remain on your territory.

The solution is to eliminate pests but also the holes they have been making through your yard. Use dirt or gravel to fill in the burrows and holes or even cement blocks to prevent snakes from going in. Make sure you check the holes from time to time so that nothing has been moved or changed.

Use natural predators

Snakes scare other pests but they can also be scared by other natural predators such as cats, racoons, pigs, owls and foxes. Having any of these natural predators around your place can prevent snakes from coming to your hard.

Owls, for instance, have a very good vision in the dark and can spot a snake from very far. Cats or foxes are opportunistic animals and will not hold back when it comes to catching a snake. Another way to keep these crawlers away is to sprinkle fox urine around your garden. Snakes will not come near, guaranteed!

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Use natural repellents

Just like with everything in nature, there are things that attract animals and things that scare them away. Same with snakes. There are natural snake repellents that can help you keep snakes at bay, by placing them in strategic areas, such as around the pool, along the edge of ponds and in other places where snakes might congregate. Some effective natural repellants include:

Ammonia. Ammonia is usually used around pools and ponds. For maximum effectiveness, soak some old clothes in ammonia and place them in plastic bags. Do not close the bags, so that smell can be felt by snakes. Change the bags on a daily basis.

Naphthalene. Naphthalene can be found in various snake repellent products sold on the market. You can purchase is in its pure form and spread it around your property.

Sulfur. Sulfur has a double impact on snakes. Firstly, it releases a smell that snakes do not like. Secondly, it can irritate their skin. If you have snake activity in certain paces around your yard, you can put sulfur in those spots. The repellant effect is 100% guaranteed. Just make sure you use gloves when dealing with this substance, as it can also irritate your skin.

Clove and cinnamon oil. When combined, these two natural ingredients have a strong effect against snakes. Use a spray bottle to make the mix and spray in areas where you have seen or think snakes might gather.

Garlic and onions. Garlic and onions contain sulfonic acid, a substance also used in commercial snake repellant products. They can be planted in your garden but also chopped and mixed with rock salt, to create a mix that can be sprayed around your property. It might work against vampires too!

Vinegar. Vinegar is another popular and natural remedy against snakes. Sprinkled around water sources, without diluting it, can have successful effects. You can also put vinegar into openings and holes, to prevent snakes from coming back.

Lime. Prepare a repellant “cocktail” from lime and hot pepper or peppermint oil to scare away snakes. Spray it around your yard and no snake will ever come near it while the smell still lingers in the air.

 Smoke them out

Smoke can be used to scare snakes out of their hidings and holes. You can opt for smoke bombs or a fire pit that releases smoke for a few days, until all snakes leave your property. Whatever option you choose, make sure you handle it carefully.

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Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we still cannot get rid of snakes on our properties. They can be quite a nuisance and some can even pose a threat to homeowners. It is important to proceed with care, no matter the type of snakes.

If you feel like natural remedies do not work in your case and the snake population keeps increasing on your property, it might be better to call a pest control company and let them eliminate the snakes in a safely and humanely manner.


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