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These 8 Plants Grow in Water (No Soil Needed!)

What do we know about plants? They need three basic things to survive: a place to grow, light, and water.

While we usually talk about a pot filled with soil when we think about a place to grow, some of them can do it even better—growing in water alone. All you have to do is put them in a container with water and watch them grow.

If you want to be more of a provider and you want your plant to thrive instead of just survive, you’ll need to put in a little bit more effort. It’s not about a fancy hydroponics system, but the right plant choices and a few tips will bring you a beautiful experience of growing plants in water.

Photo by DimaBerlin from Shutterstock

Growing a plant without soil can be fun and rewarding, and if you need help getting started, here are some tricks and tips:

Setting up for success means understanding what your plants need. This is the key to making sure your garden flourishes. With the right care, your plant will grow strong and healthy.

First things first, remember that light is crucial for any plant to grow. It’s important to offer them the right amount of water to help them grow healthy and vibrant. For some plants, bright light is thriving, while for others, indirect sunlight or low light conditions will make them become the stars of your house.

Choose the right container. The vessel should be able to support the plant’s roots and influence the overall health of your plant. A glass container is a beautiful choice because it allows you to watch the root grow, which can be fascinating. On the other side, glass containers also promote algae growth because of the light exposure. A tip to minimize this issue is to use an opaque container that blocks out the light while keeping the water clean for longer.

The quality of the water they grow in can be more important than you may think, and we know it’s convenient to use tap water, but it contains various impurities, as well as chlorine and minerals that can harm your plant and stunt its growth.

  • To make sure you give your plant the best start, use filtered or dechlorinated water;
  • To avoid water evaporation and starting to look cloudy, keep it fresh by adding water weekly and changing it fully when it starts to look murky or discolored;
  • A full charge once a month may be enough to keep it clean and healthy. This will be different depending on the plant type, as well as the container you’re using and the amount of sunlight the plant gets.

There are a few extra tips you can follow, such as avoiding the tendency to overcrowd the container. Make sure your cuttings have enough space to grow because too many of them in one pot can lead to poor air circulation, increasing the risk of rot. Another thing you should do is keep an eye out for bugs. If your plant is growing in water, this doesn’t mean it’s immune to pests. Take care of your plants and spray them with special solutions to keep them healthy. Moreover, if they grow upright, use bamboo skewers to give them extra support.

A water garden is amazing and pretty low maintenance.

Photo by Alya Safika from Shutterstock

These are the plants that thrive in water alone, and they are perfect for an indoor garden:

1. Pothos

With their cascading vines and heart-shaped leaves, they are a popular choice for growing in water. This plant is able to thrive in conditions from bright to low light or indirect sunlight.

It’s ideal for beginners because it grows with minimal care. All you need to do is change the water every 2-3 weeks and place it in indirect sunlight to make it grow the healthiest. You will easily propagate it by snipping a vine just below a bone and simply placing it in water.

2. Bamboo

This is a great plant that is directly sold in water-filled containers, and they are anchored by pebbles or decorative stones. They are amazing plants not only for easy care but they are believed to bring positive energy and good luck in your house according to Feng Shui principles.

You need to keep them in filtered light and make sure the water level is above the roots. It’s better to use distilled or filtered water to avoid chlorine buildup which can be harmful.

3. Spider Plant

This resilient houseplant will produce plantlets on long stems. They can easily be snipped off and placed in water, and they quickly develop roots. If you want a plant that multiplies effortlessly, this is an excellent choice.

Place it in a bright spot; don’t forget to change the water weekly and watch how fast it grows. When you see the root is established, you can decide if you want to keep it in water or transfer it to soil.

4. English Ivy

This is another vining plant that can adapt to water growth. It’s famous for its lush and dense foliage and its ability to grow quickly. You need to pay attention to it when you plant it outdoors because it can become invasive. However, indoors, it’s easy to manage it and enjoy it as a beautiful greenery.

Change the water regularly and offer it bright, indirect light. To control growth, it’s enough to trim the vines, and this will encourage a bushier appearance.

5. Chinese Evergreen

This is a tough, extremely low-maintenance plant that works miracles in water. It has thick stems and large, glossy leaves in various colors and patterns. Chinese Evergreen will tolerate low log conditions, and it will thrive for years just placed in water.

You need a large container to support its thickness, and it will grow in optimal conditions if you change the water monthly and give it moderate light.

Photo by Said21 Photography from Shutterstock

6. Coleus

A plant that will add a splash of color to your water garden with its vibrant foliage, Coleus roots quickly in water, and it’s meant for partial shade, which makes it perfect for indoor settings. It’s known for its striking, multicolored leaves that will reach their best condition in filtered light.

Place it in a bright light and change the water every 1-2 weeks. Pinch the tips regularly to encourage bushier growth.

7. Philodendron

Famous for their lush growth and the leaves that are distinctly heart-shaped, these plants are exceptional for water growth, and they are an outstanding option for both novice and experienced gardeners. Philodendron thrives in humid environments, and they work well with low or bright light.

What you need to do for them is change the water every 2-3 weeks and keep it in a spot with plenty of indirect light. To maintain their appearance, prune them regularly.

8. Begonia

The rex and tuberous varieties are best suited for water growth. Their stunning foliage and the wide range of colors, textures, and patterns will make it worth waiting for their roots to grow, as it takes a little longer than the plants we mentioned before.

Place a cutting in filtered light and change the water weekly. Wait for the roots to establish, and this is when you know your plant will start to thrive in water.

If you’re excited to create your garden, this is where you can find hydroponic pots that are ideal for easy indoor cultivation. You can order them from Amazon, as they are a great quality-price deal, with the best reviews.

We hope you enjoyed our article and we leave you with another one that you can read next: 10 Weird Gardening Hacks That Genuinely Work


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