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12 Essential Tips for a Lush Lawn

Check out these expert tips for a lush lawn that will make your neighbors green with envy! 

Mowing the lawn isn’t fun and games; in fact, it’s a terrible pain in the neck for most people. And it’s understandable! I mean, who on Earth wakes up thinking, “Booyah, today is a good day to mown the lawn?” Nobody! Trust me when I say: no-bo-dy. But, because there is always a but, mowing is the key to a healthy lawn and a beautiful-looking garden.

Proper mowing promotes thicker growth, prevents weed growth, and increases the lifespan of the grass. During the growth season, cutting the grass can take a significant amount of time, so it’s important to start well.

Either you’re a newbie when it comes to gardening or you simply need expert advice. I am here to help you out. So without more blah blah, check out these essential tips for a lush lawn.

tips for a lush lawn
Photo by Sashko from Shutterstock

Mow on dry days

This is the number one rule for good mowing: no matter how rushed you are to finish the task sooner, always do it when the sun is shining and when the grass is dry. Wet bits of grass will cluster and cover the lawn below if you mow when the ground is moist. The mower will also stain and wrinkle the soil.

Leave some length

It might sound like a good idea to trim your grass to get a dense and compact finish. But this isn’t a good idea. Why? Experts say that food is produced by the grass blade’s process of photosynthesizing sunlight.

So if you cut it super short, your grass might end up creating less nutrients on its own, and you will have to add fertilizer to the ground more often. And if you overlook your grass’s needs, then don’t be surprised if it won’t grow anymore and look sick and patchy.

Cut every two weeks in early spring

Early spring is a less demanding time of year to mow the grass since it grows more slowly. It’s okay to cut it every two weeks until late spring when the temperature gets warmer. This situation changes during the summer when you will have to do it weekly to help the grass look great. And if the temperatures are rising quickly and the grass is going to grow faster as well, you might need to mow the lawn twice a week every week.

Sharpen the blades for better mowing

This is one of those tips for a lush lawn that I wish I learned sooner. It is crucial to sharpen the blades before mowing if you want to get a cleaner cut. To lower the chance of germs destroying the grass and making it look awful, I advise doing this before the springtime first cut.

A pair of dull blades will make the lawn shred, tear, and pull from the roots. Try to treat your lawn as a living organism and be as gentle as possible with it if you want it fresh and good-looking throughout the whole warm season.

If you reside in a state in which the weather is warm most of the year and you have to cut it regularly, make sure to sharpen the blades three to four times a year, and if they’re old, switch them out for new ones won’t hurt as well.

Adjust the cutting height

To ensure the lawn in your garden looks perfect every season, adapt the cutting height to the current climate and time of year. At the beginning and conclusion of the season, raise the blade’s height slightly.

Raising the blade will allow the grass to grow longer in hot, dry conditions. The taller foliage retains more moisture, which keeps the grass greener and shadows the ground.

For most lawns, a height of 2.5–4 cm is ideal. Leave it a bit longer, say 4–5 cm, in regions that are extensively worn and utilized. In the shade, you might keep it at 7 or 8 centimeters longer.

Even an innocent mown requires a bit of protection, right? So why not be safe than sorry and buy yourself a pair of UV Protective Safety Goggles whenever you’re doing stuff in the garden? They’re available on Amazon for only $9.99. 

And if you want to pair these goggles with a cute and fit shirt, check out this t-shirt that has a nice Godfather reference. It’s available on Amazon as well. 

Switch directions

When I first started mowing the lawn, I thought it shouldn’t be that hard; after all, everybody does it, so what can go wrong if I have high-quality tools? Well, a lot of things that’s why, among all these tips for a lush lawn, I also want to include the fact that if you want the grass to look good, you have to switch directions while cutting it. Why?

When you mow in the same way each time, the grass blades will begin to grow at predefined angles. Additionally, your grass will begin to bear the permanent markings left by your lawn mower’s weight. You may try cutting the grass diagonally.

Then mow the lawn from side to side or back to front the following time. This encourages your grass to grow straight rather than in various directions.

Always avoid newly sown areas

If you want your newly sowed lawn to grow healthily and greenly, wait to mow it until the grass reaches a height of 4 cm. Then mow the remaining lawn along with it.

Photo by F01 PHOTO from Shutterstock

Consider a “ride on mower”

Consider purchasing a ride-on mower if you have a big lawn and would like to cut down on the amount of time you spend mowing. I’d say you ask for advice at a professional store because they will know exactly what fits you according to the amount of money you want to spend but also on how big or small your garden space is.

Compost, compost, compost!

Grass cuttings may be composted, but to avoid slippery compost, combine them well with enough of carbon-rich “brown” material. To help keep moisture, you keep the grass clippings on the lawn during the summer.

Lines look great, don’t be afraid of them

“But won’t they look bad? Or suggest that the gardeners are sloppy?” Absolutely not. A lawn with lines radiates an attractive finish that says, “I take pride in my grass.” Despite being so straightforward, many people find this procedure confusing. One of the simplest things you can do with your lawn is to draw straight lines.

Just select a plant, tree, or shrub at the end of your lawn, then move your mower in its direction. Turn your gaze away from the ground and keep your eyes on the item you’ve picked. That’s going to be your first line. This is where it becomes easy.

Turn around at the end of the line, then continue on the first line. And do it like this until you’re done with the whole garden. Trust me, it’s so simple!

Put to work that creative side of yours!

While mowing the lawn can be very boring and time-consuming, it may also let you be creative with how your garden looks. So why not experiment a bit?

Select a mower equipped with a roller for a classic striped look. You might choose to leave a section of land unmoved, giving it a more organic appearance which is good for animals.

That’s it! These are the best 11 tips for a lush lawn. I hope you find them useful and use them as your main guide when mowing. Of course, if you have any other tips to share, feel free to post them in the comments section below. I look forward to reading them all. Until next time! 

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