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10 Ways to Stop Loitering in Front of Your House

Photo by Jonathan G on Shutterstock

Owning a home is a major investment, if not one of the most important ones in someone’s life. Protecting one’s home, therefore, should be at the top of the priority list. A constant problem that many homeowners face is loitering. Loitering can be described in various ways, from teenagers hanging out in front of your house, to neighbors or even strangers taking a break right on your front yard.

Loitering is not only an inconvenience but it can also pose certain security risks. Luckily, homeowners can employ a series of efficient methods to tackle and solve the issue of unwanted gatherings. This article discusses 10 ways to stop loitering in front of your house in an elegant manner.

  1. Install motion-activated lighting

A very efficient measure to stop loiterers from gathering on your front yard is to install motion-sensitive lighting. If someone comes near your property, the lights will turn on and most likely dissuade strangers from coming closer.

Let’s take a group of teenagers, for example. If the idea of hanging out in front of your house occurs to them, then the sudden illumination of the area can make them abandon their plans. If you opt for motion-activated lighting, try to find energy-efficient LED as such items have a greater lifespan.

Speaking of security, here are 11 Things That Make Your Home an Easy Target for Burglars!

  1. Use security cameras

“A good defense beats a good offense.” This is wat security cameras will do for you. Security cameras in plain sight can be extremely effective in keeping others away from your property. No one likes to be under surveillance, even if all they are doing is getting together for a chat. Putting security cameras for your neighbors or other people to see will work wonders in preventing them from loitering on your front yard or driveway.

  1. Plant natural barrier

Not only can landscaping design make your yard more appealing and organized, but it can also serve as a protection against possible loiterers. By adding thorny bushes and dense shrubs in the picture, you can create a natural barrier to keep unwanted people off your property. After all, no one wants to go through uncomfortable bushes and shrubs for a small chat.

  1. Use “No Loitering” signs

A sign that you do not condone loitering on your property might also do the trick. By putting up a “No Loitering” sign in a visible place, you set up an unquestionable boundary. You are sending a clear message that getting together on your driveway or front yard is not allowed. This way no one will be able to say that they didn’t know they cannot stick around for a while in front of your home.

  1. Play soft music or sounds

A soft and discreet music can prove to be quite useful to your objective. Soft music or nature sounds like waterfalls or birdsongs can dissuade people from coming to your driveway or front yard for a quiet discussion.

Not everyone likes the sound of flowing water or birds chirping, especially not when these interrupt their conversation.

  1. Engage with the community

Most of the times, it pays off to stay in touch with other community members. Having an active role in neighborhood activities and events makes you entitled to speak about your concerns; moreover, you can find efficient solutions together with other people in your community. If one such problem is loitering, then you can address this issue in a proactive manner.

  1. Install fencing or gates

Another efficient method to keep people away from your property is to install gates, fences and other types of physical barriers. These will serve as clear indicators that your driveway or front yard are off limits to unwanted people. Loiterers will surely be discouraged from considering your property as a gathering spot.

Also, make sure you don’t do these 11 Things That Make Your Home an Easy Target for Burglars!

  1. Use aromatics

Odors can contribute to a place becoming more appealing, or, on the contrary, more discouraging. If you want to discourage any type of loitering on your property, you can opt for plants that release potent odors, such as citronella. This plant is used to drive away mosquitos but it can work just as efficiently when it comes to potential loiterers.

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  1. Get a dog

A dog is a man’s best friend, right? Well, you can use you’re furry BF’s help to keep trespassers away from your home and its surroundings. When the potential loiterers will approach your yard, seeing that there’s a dog walking around will most likely deter them from using your property as their gathering spot.

If they do enter your property, the dog will bark and scare them away. After all, no one wants to mess with a canine protector with a strong sense of ownership over their yard.

  1. Communicate directly

Sometimes, keeping things simple is the best and most effective way. In other words, direct communication. If there are people gathering on your property and disturb your peace of mind, activities or you simply don’t want them there, asking them directly to find another loitering spot can have a positive outcome.

In some situations, people might not even realize that they are disturbing you and will have no problem relocating to a place where they do not cause any disruptions. Speak calmly and send your message clearly, and everything should work out just fine for all parties involved.

  1. Report consistent issues to authorities

If you’ve employed various methods and strategies but loiterers continue to disturb you, it might be time to ask for the help of local authorities. They can provide assistance, send more patrols in your area or issue warnings to those people that intrude and disturb your privacy, especially the ones that do it repeatedly.

Photo by LightField Studios on Shutterstock


Having to deal with repeated loiterers can be frustrating and tiresome for homeowners. Luckily, there are various strategies that one can use to prevent people from gathering on their property. One of the strategies discussed in this article will surely work in your case as well. The main idea is to keep calm and have faith that everything can be solved, with the right approach.

On the same note of keeping other away from your property, check out these 7 Natural Ways to Keep Snakes Away From Your Yard.


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